[FREE] Netflix Follow-Up, The Senate Tech Bill

More on Netflix’s earnings and valuation, and three observations about the tech competition bill being encouraged in the Senate.

Facebook Political Problems

Facebook’s political problems stem directly from its size and drive for growth; they are societal issues, not antitrust ones.

The Lightness of Windows

The Windows 11 announcement was fun and interesting, but there is a reason that Windows is no longer the center of Microsoft’s business.

Distribution and Demand

Distribution on the Internet is free; what matters is controlling demand. AT&T and Verizon didn’t understand the distinction.

Apple and Facebook

Apple and Facebook seem like they are in conflict, but have often been each other’s best partners.

Platforms in an Aggregator World

Facebook Shops are good for Shopify merchants, but bad for Shopify; the answer is to push more into the real world.