iCloud and Apple’s Founding Myth

From a certain perspective, what is happening to Apple this week is unfair. Both OS X and especially iOS are more secure than their competitors, and Apple has regularly prioritized security over features that customers have demanded. For example, Android has long supported custom keyboards, but Apple is only adding them in iOS 8. The […]

Daily Update: China and Microsoft, Sony vs. Samsung, Why Twitter Adds Favorites to Your Timeline

Good morning, I’m working on a piece about Apple, the cloud, and culture; I think it’s pretty interesting and I hope a good contribution to what has happened this week. It will hopefully be up later this morning. I’m pushing my piece on payments and the wearable to next week. On to the update: ChinaSubscribe […]

Daily Update: Apple’s iCloud Press Release, Fantasy Sports Site Raises $70 million, TV’s Golden Age (and Journalism)

Good morning, Yesterday I wrote the first of two planned pieces on Apple’s upcoming announcement – The iPhone 6: From Louis Vuitton to Chanel. The main thrust of my article was about the idea of “Veblen Goods” – goods that increase in demand with price. However, I think wasn’t quite precise enough in my article.Subscribe […]

The iPhone 6: From Louis Vuitton to Chanel

The iPhone 6 is going in the opposite direction that Apple’s critics think it should: more expensive, not less. It will work because Apple owns the high-end.

Daily Update: Celebrity Photos and iCloud, Rovio CEO Steps Down, Louis Vuitton and Apple

Good morning, I hope my American readers all had a pleasant Labor Day, and the rest of you a blissful Monday. They do exist, right? My piece about my expectations for next week’s iPhone event will be published later this morning. Unfortunately, I’m probably not going to be able to make the trip. On toSubscribe […]