Google Assistant Added to Android, Amit Singhal Out at Uber

Google Assistant is being added to Android, which makes the company’s previous statements and actions even more confusing than they already are. Then, another controversy hits Uber, but Google is implicated as well — along with the entire industry.

Twitter, Live, and Luck

Last night’s Academy Awards show was another event that showed how special Twitter is; the fact that you had to be there shows just how badly the company has failed to evolve.

Exponent Podcast: The Most Political

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss Manifestos and Monopolies. Listen to it here.

Manifestos and Monopolies

Facebook has long had too much power, but Mark Zuckerberg’s expressed willingness to use said power for political ends means it’s time to consider countermeasures.

DistroKid, The “Publisher’s Right”, Shopify Results

Distrokid is small, but it’s a powerful example of the how distribution is not a value-add, the implications of which European publishers have yet to learn. It’s a lesson that doesn’t just apply to media, either.

Planet of the Apps, #DeleteUber, Amazon Earnings

“Planet of the Apps” is probably not nearly as big a deal as its being made out to be, why #DeleteUber was uniquely dangerous for Uber, and Amazon’s ongoing shift to being a service business.