Exponent Podcast: Statistics Gone Wild

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence. Listen to it here.

The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence

What is artificial intelligence? Is it really any different than technology? In my estimation machine learning is truly something new, and the effects on society will be significant.

Mulesoft IPO, Okta S-1, Cohort Analysis in S-1s

Mulesoft and Okta are two examples of companies that are not just software-as-a-service companies themselves, but enablers of more. That should make traditional vendors nervous.

Medium Membership, Medium Content, The Medium Newspaper

Ev Williams premise that media is broken is correct. It’s broken, though, because of the business model, which means another bad business model isn’t the solution.

Apple Announcements, iPhone Strategy vs iPod Strategy, Clips

Apple had several announcements that were relatively boring from a product perspective but very interesting when it comes to strategy. Plus, its new “Clips” app may point to new products in the future.

Ad Agencies and Accountability

Google is in hot water again, this time for ads placed against objectionable content. However, ad agencies and brands are just as responsible, and can no longer live in the past.