Exponent Podcast: A Search for Everything

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss Zero Trust Information. Listen to it here.

Zero Trust Information

Zero Trust Networking is security with Internet assumptions; there is tremendous value if we apply the same approach to information.

Amazon Just Walk Out, Waymo Raises $2.25 Billion

Amazon Go is licensing its technology, contrary to my previous prediction. Then Waymo is taking on outside investors which should result in a needed shift in incentives.

Six Deaths in King County, U.S. Mistakes, Paywalls and Pandemics

The situation in the U.S., particularly in the Seattle area, is likely worse than it appears; Microsoft and Amazon should take action. Then, the U.S. needs to rely on the private sector, and publishers need to remember why people pay.

COVID-19 Cancellations; Apple, China, and Data; What We (Might) Know

Tech companies are starting to cancel event and unnecessary travel as the coronavirus starts to spread in the United States and Europe. This is the correct decision, even if most economic activity should probably carry on.