Listen to Free Weekly Articles in Your Podcast Player

While Stratechery is supported by subscriptions to the Daily Update, there has long been the option to receive free Weekly Articles via email. In a similar vein, I am happy to announce that the Daily Update Podcast has now been expanded to Stratechery Podcasts: you can receive just the free Weekly Article in your podcast […]

Coronavirus Clarity

The coronavirus crisis is making clear just how powerful tech companies are; hopefully this leads to a much more productive conversation about how that power should be utilized or regulated.

Slack Issues Debt, Airbnb Issues Debt

Both Slack and Airbnb are issuing debt, but in far different circumstances, and with far different terms.

Apple, Amazon, and Common Enemies

It is tempting — and useful — to look at Apple and Amazon’s deal in a bilateral context. It probably makes more sense, though, in the context of Netflix and the future of video.