Brexit and Tech: The Narrow View, HBO Versus Netflix, Amazon Dash Buttons

There is a broader story to be told about Brexit and tech, but today the narrower view of its impact. Then, why Netflix and HBO are different, and how Amazon’s Dash buttons demonstrate the company’s strength and the CPG industry’s weakness.

Netflix and the Conservation of Attractive Profits

Netflix has a lot more in common with Uber and Airbnb than you might think: it all comes back to the Law of Conservation of Attractive Profits, a core principle of disruption

The Funnel Framework

The Internet has removed scarcity, meaning business models based on controlling distribution are no longer viable. Instead, the key to success is controlling access to the best customers — and that means being the best.

Daily Update: Understanding TV Unbundling, The Dying Appeal of Undifferentiated Content, The Special Case of HBO

Good morning, Over the weekend BuzzFeed reinstated the Dove article and editor-in-chief Ben Smith apologized internally. Smith reiterated that the post was not pulled because of pressure from advertisers, and from what I understand, Dove hasn’t advertised on BuzzFeed for over a year (and I wasn’t able to easily find other Unilever advertising). So perhapsSubscribe […]