Apple Vision

Apple Vision is incredibly compelling, first as a product, and second as far as potential use cases. What it says about society, though, is a bit more pessimistic.

Google I/O and the Coming AI Battles

Google A/I suggests that AI is a sustaining innovation for all of Big Tech; that means the real battle will be between incumbents and Big Tech on one side, and open source on the other.

AI, NIL, and Zero Trust Authenticity

AI-generated content is not going to harm those with the capability of breaking through: it will make them stronger, aided by Zero Trust Authenticity

ChatGPT Gets a Computer

It’s possible that large language models are more like the human brain than we thought, given that it is about prediction; that is why ChatGPT needs its own computer in the form of plug-ins.

From Bing to Sydney

More on Bing, particularly the Sydney personality undergirding it: interacting with Sydney has made me completely rethink what conversational AI is important for.

AI and the Big Five

Given the success of existing companies with new epochs, the most obvious place to start when thinking about the impact of AI is with the big five: Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

AI Homework

The first obvious casualty of large language models is homework: the real training for everyone, though, and the best way to leverage AI, will be in verifying and editing information.