American Girl, Minecraft, and the Next Generation of Builders (Daily Update Sample)

While full-length articles on Stratechery are free, I also offer the Daily Update for $10/month and $100/year. Each day I write at varying lengths about 2~3 topics of the day, delivered to your inbox, private RSS feed, or via direct link on the right side of this page. The following is a sample of a […]

The dusk of the computer age

This was originally posted on my old, defunct Tumblr Some have argued the iPad is the dawn of a new era. Oh wait, that was me, three days ago. But in another respect, it is the dusk of another, representing a return to the past when people did what they wished without worrying about their […]

The iPad: it’s for everyone else

This was originally posted on my old, defunct Tumblr For what it’s worth, we’ve been here before. Apple product is rumored, hype builds up, it’s revealed, and people are disappointed. In this case, “It’s just a big iPod Touch” is the new “No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.” And, once again, it’s because […]