AI, Hardware, and Virtual Reality

Defining virtual reality as being about hardware is to miss the point: virtual reality is AI, and hardware is an (essential) means to an end.

Apple Vision

Apple Vision is incredibly compelling, first as a product, and second as far as potential use cases. What it says about society, though, is a bit more pessimistic.

Windows and the AI Platform Shift

Microsoft argued there is an AI platform shift, and the fact that Windows is interesting again — and that Apple is facing AI-related questions for its newest products — is evidence that is correct.

Google I/O and the Coming AI Battles

Google A/I suggests that AI is a sustaining innovation for all of Big Tech; that means the real battle will be between incumbents and Big Tech on one side, and open source on the other.

Nvidia GTC, DGX Cloud, Nvidia’s Partners

The most interesting announcement at Nvidia’s GTC conference was DGX Cloud, which represents a big shift in the value chain for Nvidia