Amazon Health

Amazon Health doesn’t seem like much now, but there are hints it could be the ultimate application of Aggregation Theory.

Trustworthy Networking

The problems Facebook are facing today are the result of running into the future without considering unintended consequences, much like Microsoft and the Internet. There are clear solutions for the ad problem, but the filter bubble issue is much more fraught.

The Brexit Possibility

Brexit’s downsides are clear; might tech help realize upsides in building something new based on a new world order?

The Voters Decide

An apolitical analysis of what is happening in U.S. politics through the lens of Aggregation Theory

A Politics For Technology

Technology is changing the world, which means politics should change as well. There is a way forward that entails less regulation and a much bigger safety net.

Don’t Blame Uber

At the risk of painting too broad a stroke, it seems to me that much of the opposition to changes wrought by the Internet undervalue the positive impact said changes have on normal people. For example, people despair over newspapers closing without appreciating the explosion in quality content freely available to anyone anywhere in the […]