The Dropbox Comp

Dropbox has filed its S-1, but comparisons with Box, Atlassian, and Slack demonstrate how difficult it is to tell just how good its business is.

Exponent Podcast: Google and Antitrust

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss The Aggregator Paradox. Listen to it here.

The Aggregator Paradox

Google is winning with AMP and blocking ads in Chrome: both seem bad, but aren’t they actually good for consumers? That is the paradox of aggregation.

Exponent Podcast: The Mailbag Episode

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we answered reader questions. Topics include business school, career advice, the nature of strategy, creating the next Silicon Valley, and how governments should deal with the disruptions caused by the Internet. Listen to it here.

Olympics Ratings, P&G and Olympics Advertising, Total Audience Advertising

Olympic Ratings are down, but less than expected! Unfortunately for NBC, so is revenue. That, though, is expected: sports and its advertisers remain interconnected. Then, at least NBC finally figured out how to manage multiple mediums.