Nvidia’s Integration Dreams

Nvidia’s acquisition of ARM only makes sense from a financial perspective, unless you buy Jensen Huang’s datacenter dreams.

Apple, ARM, and Intel

ARM Macs are imminent; why they make sense, and why the implications could be far-reaching, for not just Apple but also Intel.

Apple App Store Follow-up, AWS ARM Servers, Intel’s Choice

More on Apple’s App Store monopoly, including why it’s different from Google and Steam, and far more egregious than other digital platforms. Then, Amazon announced ARM chips for AWS: what changed, and what does this mean for Intel.

Sports and TV Follow-up, Intel Licenses ARM IP

First, why I don’t think sports is a bubble, then, Intel finally gives in to reality and licenses ARM IP, a necessary step in becoming a foundry-for-hire.

Softbank Buys ARM; Taylor, Kanye, Kim, and Twitter

Softbank is buying ARM, which is interesting in its implications for both companies, but probably not that big of a deal for the industry. Then, what the latest Taylor Swift-Kanye West episode says about Twitter.

Disrupting Basketball, Thiel-Gawker Follow-up, Intel and ARM

The Golden State Warriors are kinda sorta disrupting basketball, and making plenty of enemies in the process, which segues to a follow-up on Peter Thiel and Gawker. Then, Intel and ARM have dueling releases that show just how different they are.