Internet 3.0 and the Beginning of (Tech) History

The actions taken by Big Tech have a resonance that goes beyond the context of domestic U.S. politics. Even if they were right, they will still push the world to Internet 3.0.

Playing on Hard Mode

Airbnb and DoorDash both created new markets where ones did not previously exist; they are startups played on “hard” mode.

Apple’s Shifting Differentiation

Apple is about the integration of hardware and software, but the balance between the two has shifted over time.

Anti-Monopoly vs. Antitrust

What matters about the Congressional report on tech and antitrust is that it exists, not the specific details.

Jio Follow-up, Google Cloud Next, Kurian vs. Google

Jio has two big obstacles to success; then, while most didn’t pay attention to Google Cloud Next, the progress Thomas Kurian is making is impressive.

The End of OS X

OS X is retired, but fortunately, its legacy appears to live on in macOS 11.0.

Apple, ARM, and Intel

ARM Macs are imminent; why they make sense, and why the implications could be far-reaching, for not just Apple but also Intel.

Never-Ending Niches

The Internet changed how media competes to focus and quality, but quality is defined by your niche.