Chips and Geopolitics

TSMC showed the power of modularization, and now they are core to the U.S. national security strategy.

Compaq and Coronavirus

Compaq’s descent from a company of action to a brand is a frightening parable for the the West’s focus on talk over action.

Zero Trust Information

Zero Trust Networking is security with Internet assumptions; there is tremendous value if we apply the same approach to information.

Clearview AI, The Problem with Scraping, Tradeoffs

Clearview AI is billed as a story about facial recognition, but the most important questions it raises is about scraping. And, by doing so, it reveals how many trade-offs we have yet to confront.

Visa, Plaid, Networks, and Jobs

The history of credit cards helps explain why Plaid is valuable to Visa, and how Visa can make it significantly better.

CES Concepts, Verizon Drops Bundles, Technology and TV

CES is boring, because no one knows what is next. Then, Verizon is dropping Internet and TV bundles, which is a rational response to the changing nature of pay-TV. It also shows how much tech disruption is still to come.

The End of the Beginning

The beginning of technology was about the shift from batched computing in one place to continuous computing everywhere. That era of paradigm changes may be over, which means the real changes are only beginning.