Integrated Apple and App Store Risk

WWDC highlighted how Apple’s differentiation is based on integration; the company ought not risk that differentiation for exploitive App Store policies.

App Store Arguments

There are all kinds of arguments to make about the App Store, and nearly all of them are good ones; that’s why the best solution can only come from Apple.

Apple, Amazon, and Common Enemies

It is tempting — and useful — to look at Apple and Amazon’s deal in a bilateral context. It probably makes more sense, though, in the context of Netflix and the future of video.

Integration and Monopoly

Apple has won through integration, but integration combined with network effects and economies of scale can result in bad outcomes that look a lot like monopolies.

China, Leverage, and Values

If there is a new tech cold war, it is one with shots fired over a decade ago, largely by China. The questions going forward are about both leverage and values.

The Bill Gates Line

Understanding the differences between aggregators and platforms matters for companies interacting with them and also regulators considering antitrust.