New Alexa Devices, Amazon and the EU Commission

Why is Amazon selling more Alexa devices? More broadly, do the company’s house brands leave it susceptible to an antitrust challenge?

Google’s Search for the Sweet Spot

Google’s hardware event shows the company’s commitment both to devices and to artificial intelligence; just doing what you are good at, though, is not always enough.

Google Assistant Added to Android, Amit Singhal Out at Uber

Google Assistant is being added to Android, which makes the company’s previous statements and actions even more confusing than they already are. Then, another controversy hits Uber, but Google is implicated as well — along with the entire industry.

Google and the Limits of Strategy

Google went wrong in the past by abandoning their horizontal business model; are they repeating their mistake, or does the future give them no choice?

Google’s Go-to-Market Gap

Google is unique in that their business was built on being the best. The company, though, benefited from the open web. That is not the case in mobile.