The Remarkable iPhone 6, The Apple Watch, Microsoft Earnings

Perhaps the most surprising thing about the iPhone 6 is that Apple itself keeps getting it wrong. Plus, some observations about the Apple Watch and an appreciation of Satya Nadella.

Apple Watch and Continuous Computing

The Apple Watch’s success depends on three things: the physical design, the interaction model, and how it interacts with its environment. It’s on the right track

Daily Update: Valuation Versus Risk Bubbles, Apple Watch Reviews Drop

Good morning, A couple of days ago a bug in my membership software exposed several Daily Updates to RSS subscribers. I apologize to all of you; as I’ve noted I’m in the middle of transitioning the site to a new membership system that should address these issues once and for all. News on that frontSubscribe […]

Daily Update: Apple Watch’s Bad Messaging; On Meerkat, Periscope, and Bad Journalism

Good morning, There will be a new Exponent later today; James and I discussed BuzzFeed and the Brother Orange story as well as the Amazon Dash Button and Home Service. On to the longer-than-usual Daily Update. I got a little rant-y. Apple Watch’s Bad Messaging Speaking of podcasts, I was on John Gruber’s The TalkSubscribe […]

How Apple Will Make the Wearable Market

Last fall, Apple CEO Tim Cook described the Apple Watch as the “next chapter” in Apple’s history, placing it at the same level as the Mac, iPhone and iPod. I get the sense that a lot of people don’t believe him; they just don’t see the need for a wearable. There is ample precedent for […]

Daily Update: Notes From the Apple "Spring Forward" Event

Good morning, It was really great to meet so many of you both in Seattle and San Francisco. I’ll follow up soon with some mechanism for maintaing the groups going forward. Building up a real community is definitely something I’d love to see happen. In today’s update I’m going to just give a point-by-point overviewSubscribe […]

Daily Update: It’s a Watch!, Net Neutrality and Zero Rating

Good morning, I apologize this update is again a few hours late. Needless to say, I am very eager to get back to Taiwan and a normal schedule, but there’s one more rather important event on my calendar…the San Francisco meet-up! In case you missed the email, the San Francisco meet-up will be at theSubscribe […]

Daily Update: Apple Watch Preview, On the Apple Edition Price, The Pebble Time

Good morning, In case you missed the email, the Seattle meet-up will be at the Elysian Bar located at 1516 2nd Avenue in Seattle. I have a reservation for 5, but will try and arrive by 4:30 so that we have more time (I do need to run at 6:30). I’m still working on theSubscribe […]