Medium and the Publishing Long Tail, Content Blockers and Facebook, Amazon Prime and the Washington Post

A bit of follow-up on yesterday’s post Popping the Publishing Bubble, and why Medium is potentially trying to replicate Stripe’s strategy. Plus, the key decision-maker when it comes to ad-blocking is Facebook, and it’s not at all clear what they will do. Finally, an experiment from Jeff Bezos with the Washington Post and Amazon Prime.

Popping the Publishing Bubble

For years publishers haven’t had to worry about business models: they just captured attention and watched the money come in. Those days, though, are over: the publications that survive will start with business models and build journalism around it.

The iPhone 6S, The End of the iPhone 5C, The iPhone Upgrade Program

The iPhone 6S is an impressive upgrade, particularly 3D Touch. The iPhone, though, has far deeper advantages: first, in China where its status remains unchallenged, and also in developed markets where Apple is commoditizing carriers.

Exponent Podcast: Segue

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss From Products to Platforms. Listen to it here.

App Store Policy Follow-up, The iPad Pro, The iPad Pro Accessories

First, some follow-up on yesterday’s piece on App Store policies: I actually forgot some product holes, plus a defense of “shareware.” Then, the iPad Pro’s strategic justification and a review of it and its accessories.

From Products to Platforms

Apple was at its best in its most recent keynote: unveiling the sorts of products the company is uniquely capable of creating. The question, though, is whether the company has the vision and capability of making those products into platforms.

Okta is a Unicorn, BlackBerry Acquires Good Technologies

Okta is an important company in part because what their existence says about Microsoft’s challenges in the enterprise space. Plus, Blackberry acquires Good Technology, making them the market leader in device management.

Exponent Podcast: The Amazon of Podcasts

On Exponent, the weekly podcast I host with James Allworth, we discuss the New York Times exposé on Amazon’s work practices at its Seattle headquarters. Listen to it here.